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Kapwa reminds us that we are all connected, and these ‘konversations’ are a way to highlight Filipinx voices in the health & wellness space.

Kapwa Konversations was started in 2020 by Paul Jochico as a show to amplify the voices of Filipino/x folks in the health and wellness space, and build community across the diaspora. Often being the only POC in the room navigating predominantly white spaces, this show serves to change that narrative and open up the conversation to talk about everything from cultural identity to imposter syndrome. We use the indigenous Filipino wisdom of kapwa, or shared inner self, to inspire and remember that we are all connected.

We release episodes bi-weekly, featuring a different voice in the community, and offer bonus guided meditations every now and then in between episodes.

Travel, Culture, Health, Relationships Paul Jochico Travel, Culture, Health, Relationships Paul Jochico

Episode 00: Trailer

Kapwa Konversations is a podcast that amplifies the voices of Filipino/x folks in the health and wellness space, and build community across the diaspora. We use the indigenous Filipino wisdom of kapwa, or shared inner self, to inspire and remember that we are all connected.

Episodes feature a different voice in the community and we offer bonus guided meditations every now and then as well.

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